
breaking into the unknown…

installing teamviewer on ubuntu


Recently, one of my friend get in trouble with his code and explaining it over phone, which is not very clear, so I asked him to share his screen on TeamViewer , but then I realized that TeamViewer is still not installed in my system. I installed it with below steps.

STEP 1 : Knowing your OS

whenever, you went to download any thing online, it will present you with a lot of options depending on  OS. Obviously, everyone know what O.S they are using. I am using Ubuntu. But then it again asked which Bit of machine i,e 32 or 64 .  Though, I know that it will be 32, but not sure. You can be sure and find all details about your Ubuntu in this post

STEP 2 : Download TeamvViewer

You can download TeamViewer form here. choose the machine version as you need i,e 32 Bit or  64 Bit . Also, prefer Debian package , if other option is also available.

STEP 3: Install TeamViewer

Move, to The downloaded file, by default it will be present in Download folders. since, it is a .deb file we can easily install it with dpkg command as below

$ cd Downloads # You cd to the folder , you kept the file

$ sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_linux.deb # it will install the teamviewer

STEP 4: Start using

go to dash home -> search teamviewer -> doubleclick the teamviewer icon -> popup will appear -> enter your friend teamviewer IP and password -> click connect -> you are now seeing your friend machine

Author: arunyadav4u

over 10 years experience in web development with Ruby on Rails.Involved in all stage of development lifecycle : requirement gathering, planing, coding, deployment & Knowledge transfer. I can adept to any situation, mixup very easily with people & can be a great friend.

2 thoughts on “installing teamviewer on ubuntu

  1. Try this. Ammyy Admin is a powerful multi-task solution for remote desktop sharing, remote computer administration and distance learning from any location in the World.

  2. You may try joining meetings from Ubuntu using gomeetnow web conferencing service. It works great. Browser is required.

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